BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//Solspace/Calendar//EN VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20250307T032238 DESCRIPTION:PALS aims to improve outcomes for pediatric patients by prep aring healthcare providers to effectively recognize and inte rvene in patients with respiratory emergencies\, shock\, and cardiopulmonary arrest by using high‐​performance team dynamics and high‐​quality individual skills. The course includes a series of case scenario practices with simulatio ns that reinforce important concepts. Upon successful comple tion of all the patient cases\, students must pass the multi ple-choice exam with a minimum score of 84%. Sign up at ivin LOCATION:Check the LMS for Location DTSTART:20241212T090000 DTEND:20241213T170000 SUMMARY:Pediatric Advanced Life Support Certification END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20250307T032238 DESCRIPTION:PALS aims to improve outcomes for pediatric patients by prep aring healthcare providers to effectively recognize and inte rvene in patients with respiratory emergencies\, shock\, and cardiopulmonary arrest by using high‐​performance team dynamics and high‐​quality individual skills. The course includes a series of case scenario practices with simulatio ns that reinforce important concepts. Upon successful comple tion of all the patient cases\, students must pass the multi ple-choice exam with a minimum score of 84%. Sign up at ivin LOCATION:Check the LMS for Location DTSTART:20250225T090000 DTEND:20250226T170000 SUMMARY:Pediatric Advanced Life Support Certification END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20250307T032238 DESCRIPTION:PALS aims to improve outcomes for pediatric patients by prep aring healthcare providers to effectively recognize and inte rvene in patients with respiratory emergencies\, shock\, and cardiopulmonary arrest by using high‐​performance team dynamics and high‐​quality individual skills. The course includes a series of case scenario practices with simulatio ns that reinforce important concepts. Upon successful comple tion of all the patient cases\, students must pass the multi ple-choice exam with a minimum score of 84%. Sign up at ivin LOCATION:Check the LMS for Location DTSTART:20250513T090000 DTEND:20250514T170000 SUMMARY:Pediatric Advanced Life Support Certification END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20250307T032238 DESCRIPTION:PALS aims to improve outcomes for pediatric patients by prep aring healthcare providers to effectively recognize and inte rvene in patients with respiratory emergencies\, shock\, and cardiopulmonary arrest by using high‐​performance team dynamics and high‐​quality individual skills. The course includes a series of case scenario practices with simulatio ns that reinforce important concepts. Upon successful comple tion of all the patient cases\, students must pass the multi ple-choice exam with a minimum score of 84%. Sign up at ivin LOCATION:Check the LMS for Location DTSTART:20250826T090000 DTEND:20250827T170000 SUMMARY:Pediatric Advanced Life Support Certification END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20250307T032238 DESCRIPTION:PALS aims to improve outcomes for pediatric patients by prep aring healthcare providers to effectively recognize and inte rvene in patients with respiratory emergencies\, shock\, and cardiopulmonary arrest by using high‐​performance team dynamics and high‐​quality individual skills. The course includes a series of case scenario practices with simulatio ns that reinforce important concepts. Upon successful comple tion of all the patient cases\, students must pass the multi ple-choice exam with a minimum score of 84%. Sign up at ivin LOCATION:Check the LMS for Location DTSTART:20251028T090000 DTEND:20251029T170000 SUMMARY:Pediatric Advanced Life Support Certification END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR